Elwin Street Productions

Hot Yoga

Paperback203 x 178 mm, 160 pagesISBN: 9781906761622RRP: 12.99


203 x 178 mm, 160 pages

ISBN: 9781906761622

RRP: 12.99

There is yoga and there is hot yoga - practised in rooms heated up to 100 degrees, hot or ‘bikram’ yoga is a decisive way to enhance muscle suppleness, release toxins from the body, and treat complaints including back pain, sports injuries, insomnia and stress.  

Written by a certified Bikram Yoga instructor, Marilyn Barnett, this guide provides comprehensive tutoring through all of the 26 asanas, including instructional photos and information on when, where and how often to practise.

Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced yogi, this book is your hot yoga bible.

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