Elwin Street Productions

Live Well

Paperback with flaps195 x 150 mm, 128 pagesISBN: 9781912827244RRP: £9.99

Paperback with flaps

195 x 150 mm, 128 pages

ISBN: 9781912827244

RRP: £9.99

Your genes aren’t totally in charge of your body, and this book suggests many ways in which you can take wellness back into your own hands. You have a choice about many aspects of the way you live your life, from what you eat to how you exercise, as Dr Trisha Macnair writes in this guide for life

Studies of twins – a standard way of looking at the influence of our genes – show that only about 25 per cent of the variation is the result of inherited factors. That means that the greatest influence by far on the length and quality of your life is what happens to you during your lifetime.

Live Well contains a wealth of little, easy to follow ideas to help you take control of your well-being, and make the most of all that life has to offer.

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